Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Le Bleach meets Le Internet

Yes, instead of an actual post, I shall use this space to post a picture so I can use it as my deviantART webcam. 

I made this myself, and I found all of the images from other places.  I believe this work complies with the guidelines layed out by the Fair Use Act, and I'd be more than happy to take it down if any of the owners of these images disagrees.  I don't intend or expect to profit from this. 

If you really want some content, viewer people, I suppose I could tell you that I have to take exams this week for college.  Then I'm FREEEEEEE on break.  YAY :B 

That's all.  TTFN. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Who Watched 'Watchmen'?

I watched Watchmen

Then I checked out the graphic novel and the soundtrack from the library.  I read the book in less than a week and listened to the soundtrack on my way to work over and over again. 

I also bought the director's cut version of the DVD at a used DVD store.  Then I re-watched it to make sure it worked.  Then I saw all of the special features on the second disk.

You could say I liked it.

Not surprisingly, I felt the urge to make fanart, so please enjoy these Watchmen-related works.

In the movie, Rorschach tells Dan something like "I got hungry waiting and helped myself to some beans."  I heard "Im in ur kitchen eatin ur beans."  So I had to make this. 

Note:  As far as copyright issues are concerned, I believe that my use of this screenshot complies with acceptable Fair Use practices.  I did not use the copyrighted material extensively, and the way I altered it gives it new meaning and contributes to the creation of culture.  If you are a legitimate representative of a Watchmen movie copyright holder and want me to take this down, let me know. 

In the Movie
So true.

Why, Dr. M, Why???
You did not have to do that, Dr. M.

I have a theory that perhaps Rorschach lost hope.  He may have left for Dan's ship more to prompt Dr. M to end his life than to spread the word about Ozzy's evil plan.  Think about it:

Rorschach seriously didn't have the keys; he couldn't have told anyone anyway.  In the graphic novel, Dan locks his ship (saying something along the lines of "Hm, I should probably lock this even though we're in Antarctica and it crashed.").  The authors are always crazy thorough with their details.  Why would they mention that if it wasn't important?  Nobody cares whether or not Dan is a responsible owlship driver. 

If Rorschach wanted to tell the world about Ozzy's crimes, the easiest way to do that would be to hide his intentions until he was back in civilization. 

Consider the Black Freighter story.  The story ends where the "hero" travels to a ship to remove himself from a world in which he no longer belongs.  Not to get revenge or spread the word about how evil his enemy is, to cease to exist.  Rorschach is the character most similar to the BF "hero;" they are both intense in their actions.  They both become violent through their drive to do the right thing, and they both discover in the end that all was for nothing and that peace is the way of the world in which they must now live.  Also, I saw a pirate flag as part of a promotional Rorschach artwork at the back of the copy of Watchmen that I read.  With all of those connections, it makes sense if Rorschach's motivations parallel BF guy's.

Think about how Rorschach acted in Moloch's house when the police were trying to arrest him.  Like a cornered animal.  Like something a cornered animal would be afraid of.  Now think about how Rorschach acted in front of Dr. Manhattan at the very end.  Big difference. 

So why would Rorschach lose hope?  Why would he want to die?  As I said before, his world changed into one that didn't have room for someone like him anymore.  The "alien" attack was especially relevant to Rorschach because it took place in New York--his home.  Also, his only friend, Dan, showed his true colors:  someone who WOULD compromise.  ESPECIALLY in the face of Armageddon. 

Very sad to think about. 

Fearful Symmetry Bookmark

Feel free to print it out and use it as a bookmark.

Doesn't "fearful" usually mean "afraid"?

The end is nigh?

Pinky Promise
Couldn't resist.

Okay, that's all the Watchmen fanart I have for now. 

So who else liked the movie/graphic novel?  Can anyone recommend any other good stories like Watchmen?  Stories where magic and superheros can't take away the often cruddy realities of life, stories where characters will put themselves in harm's way to fight for a belief that's unpopular, etc.?  A lot of stories I come across seem to be of the "and then they go here and do this, and then they go there and do that" variety.  The good guys are GOOD and the bad guys are BAD.  All too often, the moral is something we already knew anyway and/or doesn't necessarily apply to us all that much (it's better to be a normal person than to be famous, it's bad to oppress people/be mean/kick puppies/etc., and so on). 

In short:  Know any good stories that are realistic but also interesting and meaningful?  Aside from Watchmen, I've already read 1984 and a lot of books by Patrick O'Brian.  Any others?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Zelda Art

 Advice of the day:  If you want to have comfortable shoes, shop for new shoes when your feet hurt.

Ok, I'm done.  Look at art now.

Lord Ghirahim

...wants to eat you D:

Lone Wolf
I wish Twilight Princess had shown more of Link adjusting to being a puppy.  He was more like "Hey, I has four legs nao!" than "WHOA, why do I have this sudden urge to eat those goats I used to herd?"  The game would have been a bit more interesting, I think.  Not that it isn't nearly wonderfully perfect already :)

Lord Ghirahim Banner

You can use it if you want to :)  Just don't take away the part, don't pretend that you made it, etc. etc. etc.

Characters (C) Nintendo

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I just finished my first year of college!  WHOOO!  I have a job for the summer!  DOUBLE WHOOO!

I feel like I ought to be able to cough up a few more interesting tidbits.  But I can't, so we'll go straight to the quick, sharpie-colored comic I slapped together real fast after discovering some Skyward Sword updates through

Link fighting the diamond bad guy (Lord Ghirahim):
A new trailer:

I cannot wait for that game to come out!  WHOOOOOO!

Anyways, here's the comic: 

Far Too Fabulous

The character who has been dubbed "Fabulous Debbie" by fans all around the internet ditched his cloak for a swordfight to reveal... well, to reveal TOO MUCH.  Now future convention-goers will be scarred for life.  Thanks, Debbie.  *double facepalm*

"Debbie's" name is Lord Ghirahim.  Looks like my prediction that he would be Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was dead wrong XD.

Oh, and just because I like Bleach so much:
Legend of Zelda characters (C) Nintendo, Zangetsu (C) Tite Kubo

The Crack Pairing That Was Not Meant To Be
Do Zanpakuto (and other variations of sword spirits, for that matter) even care about finding special somebodies?  And where do kitchen knives come from anyway?

There.  Now I've given you guys two things to picture:  Lord Ghirahim cosplayers and Zangetsu with a nice haircut and a shave. 

People who aren't familiar with either Legend of Zelda or Bleach are going to be soooo confused right about now XD.  I highly recommend both.  Every Legend of Zelda game offers a wonderful combination of exploring, puzzle solving, and enemy fighting.  Bleach is a giant manga/anime series about a moody teenage boy named Ichigo who fights supernatural things.  Yup yup yup.

Have I ever mentioned that I can't wait for Skyward Sword?
Hopefully the art in my next post will be a little more polished. 
Please don't cosplay Lord Ghirahim. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bleach Graphics!

I made a wallpaper:

A Wallpaper

And a banner:

A Banner

You can use them too!

The pictures of Zangetsu and Hichigo are spiffed up versions of art I made on MS Paint:


(it says "Zangetsu."  I looked up the kanji on Bleach Wiki.  Did you know that "Zangetsu" means "Slaying Moon"?)

("Everything the light touches will be MINE >:D")

I made all of this neat stuff using only MS Paint and Microsoft Word Starter 2010.  Yay.

For viewers unfamiliar with Bleach:  Ichigo, the main character, is a Soul Reaper, and all Soul Reapers have sentient swords called Zanpakuto.  The sword spirits live inside of them.  Zangetsu is Ichigo's Zanpakuto.  "Hichigo" is an evil version of Ichigo that also lives inside Ichigo.  I don't know very much about him because I'm only up to episode 70-something.  "Hichigo" is not his real name, it's what lots of fans call him.  I'm not sure he has a real name.  He wants to take over. 

Basically, Ichigo has a party going on in his subconsciousness. 

Characters (C) Tite Kubo

Monday, March 28, 2011

Back to School... Again

Instead of doing what I usually do and randomly throwing art at you, I have prepared an actual post.  And some art too--catch!

So I was feeling a little down.  Sort of like this:
 Only I'm a person, I live in real life, and there are no mountains nearby.

     It was my first day of classes after spring break.  My college is on the quarter system (hey, the system I use to pay for classes involves quarters!), so this is my third first day of school this year.  Now there's a way to give a kindergartener about to enter first grade some perspective.

     But yes, today wasn't the happiest of days.  Leaving home, I'm all, "Ooh, maybe I'll make some new friends!"  Then I get to class, and I'm like "I'm in a classroom... derp!"  and I'm too self-conscious to even talk to anyone.  It's not even funny how much I could use a friend or two right now.  I have a sneaky suspiscion that the universe has some kind of rule about throwing geography between me and people who I get along with.  Sad face :(  If we all lived in the past when there was little or no reliable transportation, I would probably be surrounded by friends by now.  No, of course I wouldn't.  Why would you think that?  The past is full of horribly scary things like poor medical care and dinosaurs.

     On the bright side, I'm finally taking a Physics class!  I love Physics.  It is backed up by math, and I like that because I'm always looking for justification in things (this can be a problem when my family has to deal with me after watching a movie, just ask any member).  My Physics class is in this huge lecture hall, which is kind of neat; I've never been in such a huge class before.  We spent the first class learning about some of the fundamental concepts that will be vital to our survival later, concepts such as unit conversion and how to work the clickers.  I am quite optimistic; I had to stay after class to clarify a few things, but all of those things had to do with the clickers. 

     But I was still sad when I got home from school.  Even the Physics class did not stop me from wondering if my life would ever change.  If it was always to be this ever-looping, go-to-school-go-home-start-over routine.  If... oh, why am I doing all of this work?  Just hear it form Rise Against:

    So yeah.  Kind of a bad day.  That's really all I have to say about it.  But that's just one day, and I've already made several motions to improve my situation.  I'd like to see a bad mood that could survive seven episodes of Bleach.

     Yes!  Bleach!  It's this anime show about a teenage Soul Reaper who fights monsters! It's amaaaaazinggg!!!  Expect fanart! Some parts can be strange, but the show is worth watching until you're eager to see what happens next.  I had never seen it before, and I had this vague notion that everyone who ever went on the internet in their life had seen that show and every other popular anime (I didn't want to be left out, you see).  I finally wanted to see it when I learned that the voice actor for Ichigo, the main character, also did the voice of one of my favorite obscure characters from Naruto.  You see, I wanted to look up this one scene for one of my Naruto fanfictions, and....STOP!  don't get me started on my Naruto fanfictions.  No one's ever gotten me started, so there's no telling what could happen. 

I might post something like this:
Naruto characters (C) to Masashi Kishimoto

and try and get you poor people excited and scare you all away.  Don't ever let me do that.  In my excitement, I might even tell you that I have two posted on my deviantART account.  I wrote those when I was still in high school! 

I'm sure you would much rather see something like this:
Link is (C) to Nintendo

See, you actually recognize that character, don't you?  You can actually relate to this picture, right?  Some of you?  It's Link, from A Link To The Past !  I drew this to see if he could actually look cool with pink hair.  I think he actually can!  Am I the only one who finds it difficult to walk around on the overworld in ALTTP because of those guards? 

Wow.  It's kind of late.  I should probably get to bed or do some homework or something.  Or maybe watch some more Bleach YES!  I SHOULD DEFINITELY GO TO BED RIGHT NOW!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Ever since I met you
It had to be your way
I've slaved away for many years
To please you every day
I know this isn't healthy,
I know that you don't care
You know full well how much I need
To know that you are there
My sanity is slipping,
My knees are getting weak,
But, School...I love you anyway
I'll come back every week.

Skyward Sword Breakroom

A new trailer came out, and it shows a mysterious character!  I cannot wait to play this game!

Link has found another use for the Lens of Truth.

The smiley face at the top is glaring daggers.

Pleased to Meat You
 Pleased to eat you.  I mean, meat you.  Meet you.  Hi horsie.

You don't mess with Cuccoos in Hyrule.

Link, Zelda characters (C) Nintendo
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Minesweeper belong to people/entities other than me.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hello Again!

You know how last post I said I'd have the prologue of my story up by next post?  You probably thought that I have been laboring long into the wee hours of many nights typing up a masterful work of literary wonder.  Other things kind of happened.  Maybe I'll finish it later.  This story will probably end up becoming a chain of disappointments for anyone interested, so, in a way, it's a good thing I have next to zero followers!  Anyway, onto Legend of Zelda fanart!

Inner Fire

Link!  Again!  Just because!

Medium: fancy markers :D  Also, minor image-sharpening effects/playing with the brightness on Microsoft Word 2010 starter.
Link (C) Nintendo

It was hilarious the first twelve times.  By the twenty-eighth epic victory, Link was seriously considering going outside and/or reading a book.

Medium: Pens and markers.  Also, some playing with the brightness on Microsoft Word Starter 2010.
Link (C) Nintendo, Minesweeper (C) whoever owns it

Normally I don't touch up my traditional art at all after it's scanned in, but this time I had to use a camera instead of a scanner.  I had to bring the quality up.  I want my own scanner :(

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas, Mushishi, More Link, and STORY

I have some REAL BLOG CONTENT for you guys:

I got a Wii for Christmas.  It is beautiful.  I have named it KAwAii.   For obvious reasons.  Now I can play Skyward Sword when it comes out!  That was about the extent of my planning when I asked for it... does anyone know of any good games for the Wii? :D

I got My Chemical Romance's new CD, Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, for Christmas as well.  I wouldn't want any one of MCR's members as a neighbor, but WOW, THEY ARE AMAZING AT WHAT THEY DO.  Check out this music video for their song "SING:"  It is the most epic music video ever.  If they made this into a movie, I would go see it.

I got lots of other cool stuff too... but remember people, Christmas is not about Wiis or CDs, Christmas is about God's gift to us.  He sacrificed His son to give us the gift of life.  We sacrifice money, time, and sometimes dignity ("Mom, can I have some money to go Christmas shopping?") to give our family and friends random stuff they likely don't need in a feeble attempt to immitate that.  So Christmas is sort of about stuff--gifts-- after all, but not in the way you were thinking.

Wow, so much ACTUAL CONTENT.  I might be getting the hang of this!

Now for more fanart.

The Master Approaches
The mushi are like "Uh-oh... here comes THAT guy..."

One fateful night, my sister and I picked a random anime to watch on Netflix because we didn't have anything specific in mind and we wanted to be entertained.  That anime was Mushishi, and I fell in love with it.  If you haven't watched it or heard of it, watch it now.  It's about this guy who wanders an older version of Japan and helps people who are troubled by these ghostlike, mostly invisible creatures called Mushi.  The first four episodes are on Youtube, and the first ten are on Hulu, and ALL OF THEM are on Netflix if you have it, so you have no excuse for not watching it!  Here's a link to the first episode on Youtube:

Medium:  new version of MS Paint, (mostly) marker brush
Ginko, mushi (C) Yuki Urushibara (and FUNimation?)

I See "Dead" People
I couldn't come up with a better title.

"The people aren't dead, they've just been turned ghostly by the feindish mantle of Twilight Zant has cast over the peaceful Kingdom of Hyrule...  but yah, I see 'em."

Wow, I have NEVER drawn THIS character before! *lol scarcasm* 

Medium: the new version of MS Paint, marker brush
Link (C) Nintendo

I have finally come up with a story.  Told you I would :D  I haven't written out enough of it to post anything yet, but I'll have the prologue finished for my next post.  The story, Fate's Challengers, is about how a prince (the second-oldest one), a witch (actually a witch in training), a ghost (you'll never guess), and perhaps other characters I haven't thought of yet give an ancient prophecy a run for its money.  I just have a basic idea of the storyline so far, so I'm just as eager as you all to see what happens and how it ends! ....... well, ok, I'm probably a lot more eager, considering how many pageviews this blog gets!  On the bright side, at least I don't have to change the name of the blog!  A HA HA HA, got to love the internet!