Saturday, June 18, 2011

Zelda Art

 Advice of the day:  If you want to have comfortable shoes, shop for new shoes when your feet hurt.

Ok, I'm done.  Look at art now.

Lord Ghirahim

...wants to eat you D:

Lone Wolf
I wish Twilight Princess had shown more of Link adjusting to being a puppy.  He was more like "Hey, I has four legs nao!" than "WHOA, why do I have this sudden urge to eat those goats I used to herd?"  The game would have been a bit more interesting, I think.  Not that it isn't nearly wonderfully perfect already :)

Lord Ghirahim Banner

You can use it if you want to :)  Just don't take away the part, don't pretend that you made it, etc. etc. etc.

Characters (C) Nintendo

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I just finished my first year of college!  WHOOO!  I have a job for the summer!  DOUBLE WHOOO!

I feel like I ought to be able to cough up a few more interesting tidbits.  But I can't, so we'll go straight to the quick, sharpie-colored comic I slapped together real fast after discovering some Skyward Sword updates through

Link fighting the diamond bad guy (Lord Ghirahim):
A new trailer:

I cannot wait for that game to come out!  WHOOOOOO!

Anyways, here's the comic: 

Far Too Fabulous

The character who has been dubbed "Fabulous Debbie" by fans all around the internet ditched his cloak for a swordfight to reveal... well, to reveal TOO MUCH.  Now future convention-goers will be scarred for life.  Thanks, Debbie.  *double facepalm*

"Debbie's" name is Lord Ghirahim.  Looks like my prediction that he would be Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was dead wrong XD.

Oh, and just because I like Bleach so much:
Legend of Zelda characters (C) Nintendo, Zangetsu (C) Tite Kubo

The Crack Pairing That Was Not Meant To Be
Do Zanpakuto (and other variations of sword spirits, for that matter) even care about finding special somebodies?  And where do kitchen knives come from anyway?

There.  Now I've given you guys two things to picture:  Lord Ghirahim cosplayers and Zangetsu with a nice haircut and a shave. 

People who aren't familiar with either Legend of Zelda or Bleach are going to be soooo confused right about now XD.  I highly recommend both.  Every Legend of Zelda game offers a wonderful combination of exploring, puzzle solving, and enemy fighting.  Bleach is a giant manga/anime series about a moody teenage boy named Ichigo who fights supernatural things.  Yup yup yup.

Have I ever mentioned that I can't wait for Skyward Sword?
Hopefully the art in my next post will be a little more polished. 
Please don't cosplay Lord Ghirahim.