Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas, Mushishi, More Link, and STORY

I have some REAL BLOG CONTENT for you guys:

I got a Wii for Christmas.  It is beautiful.  I have named it KAwAii.   For obvious reasons.  Now I can play Skyward Sword when it comes out!  That was about the extent of my planning when I asked for it... does anyone know of any good games for the Wii? :D

I got My Chemical Romance's new CD, Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, for Christmas as well.  I wouldn't want any one of MCR's members as a neighbor, but WOW, THEY ARE AMAZING AT WHAT THEY DO.  Check out this music video for their song "SING:"  It is the most epic music video ever.  If they made this into a movie, I would go see it.

I got lots of other cool stuff too... but remember people, Christmas is not about Wiis or CDs, Christmas is about God's gift to us.  He sacrificed His son to give us the gift of life.  We sacrifice money, time, and sometimes dignity ("Mom, can I have some money to go Christmas shopping?") to give our family and friends random stuff they likely don't need in a feeble attempt to immitate that.  So Christmas is sort of about stuff--gifts-- after all, but not in the way you were thinking.

Wow, so much ACTUAL CONTENT.  I might be getting the hang of this!

Now for more fanart.

The Master Approaches
The mushi are like "Uh-oh... here comes THAT guy..."

One fateful night, my sister and I picked a random anime to watch on Netflix because we didn't have anything specific in mind and we wanted to be entertained.  That anime was Mushishi, and I fell in love with it.  If you haven't watched it or heard of it, watch it now.  It's about this guy who wanders an older version of Japan and helps people who are troubled by these ghostlike, mostly invisible creatures called Mushi.  The first four episodes are on Youtube, and the first ten are on Hulu, and ALL OF THEM are on Netflix if you have it, so you have no excuse for not watching it!  Here's a link to the first episode on Youtube:

Medium:  new version of MS Paint, (mostly) marker brush
Ginko, mushi (C) Yuki Urushibara (and FUNimation?)

I See "Dead" People
I couldn't come up with a better title.

"The people aren't dead, they've just been turned ghostly by the feindish mantle of Twilight Zant has cast over the peaceful Kingdom of Hyrule...  but yah, I see 'em."

Wow, I have NEVER drawn THIS character before! *lol scarcasm* 

Medium: the new version of MS Paint, marker brush
Link (C) Nintendo

I have finally come up with a story.  Told you I would :D  I haven't written out enough of it to post anything yet, but I'll have the prologue finished for my next post.  The story, Fate's Challengers, is about how a prince (the second-oldest one), a witch (actually a witch in training), a ghost (you'll never guess), and perhaps other characters I haven't thought of yet give an ancient prophecy a run for its money.  I just have a basic idea of the storyline so far, so I'm just as eager as you all to see what happens and how it ends! ....... well, ok, I'm probably a lot more eager, considering how many pageviews this blog gets!  On the bright side, at least I don't have to change the name of the blog!  A HA HA HA, got to love the internet!

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