Saturday, October 9, 2010


Hooray Parade :D
I finally beat Twilight Princess!  Hooray!  Thank you, good friend who has been letting me come over to her house and play her copy since summer!  I actually drew this picture before I beat the game, but this seemed like a perfect time to post it.  Yays.

Medium: markers
Characters (C) respective owners

A Link to the Future
Because milk is not as exciting as the empty container you get when you're done drinking it. 

Link, you're not fat.  You could be drinking whole if you wanted to.

Medium: pen
Character (C) respective owner

Coming Storm
You'd feel like drawing random stuff like this too if Legend of Zelda had taken over your brain.

Media: markers (special ones that make LITTLE CIRCLES lol), colored pencil, pencil, pen
Character (C) respective owner

This is not an original composition; I copied (not traced!) official Four Swords art.

Media: pen and pencil
Copied from official Four Swords art
Character (C) respective owner

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